Mort’s TV & Video Blog

Get That Old Audio Equipment Running Like New

Do you have old stereo equipment that you would like to bring back to life? Why not bring your old technology into Mort’s for an audio repair in Philadelphia? Maybe you have on old record player/turntable in need of a specific needle or a drive belt? We have a few ideas to get that stuff working right and proper. The following is a list of the main component parts that assemble to form a stereo as well as the purposes they serve.


A standard receiver tends to carry three or four different components. A tuner allows you to listen to your radio, tuning into different stations. A pre-amplifier moves the signal from other components, allowing you to choose from them, adjust the volume and will amplify sound from the unit. Your system also has a power amplifier, which accepts the signal from the pre-amplifier, making the signal that actually creates the functionality of the speakers.

Record Player

A vintage audio boom has been underway for some time now—people who prefer turntables and vinyl. The thought process is that vinyl makes for the truest sound for music playback. Record players and records are as popular as ever they have been. Common problems due pop up with record players like timing (slow turn), no turn, off-pitch playback and needle skipping off of the record. Bring it into us, we will give it a look and get it up and running for you.


Speakers convert the electrical signal coming from the amplifier into acoustic energy. Use a variety of speakers when assembling your stereo system. It depends on the individual set of ears, as far as what is preferred—your preferred speaker is up to you and you alone. Perhaps you like bass and seek out a speaker oriented for such. Avoid high-end speakers because they are not designed for bass output.


Some people keep it simple, standard radio being their preferred listening mode. If that is your thing, invest in a good tuner. Good ones are out there and available as used products. If cost is not an issue, ample fancy, high-end tuners are still being made today.

These are just a few parts of a good stereo system. Depending on how much you want to spend, there are plenty of other components that can go into a good stereo system.

Are you interested in learning more about audio repair in Philadelphia? Call Mort’s TV & Video at 215-945-8381, or you can Contact Us.

Common LCD Issues Calling for TV Repair

The LCD TV repair is the most common type of requested repair in the TV world these days. Before attempting to conduct any repairs, make sure your television is no longer under warranty and that it has been removed from power supply. Should any of the following repair tips seem insurmountable, call Mort’s TV & Video for advice or TV repair info, sending a summary of your LCD TV symptoms to one of our techs.

LCD issues that warrant TV Repair:

Broken Screen-

Your best bet may be to recycle the TV. A repair may be a little costly in comparison to scoring a new television. If your screen is just in something of a bad way, go with the old stand-by of unplugging it for a minute or so—this action forcing the main processor chip to reset and frequently solves the problem. Should this approach not solve the problem, go the alternate outlet route, it may just be that it is the outlet that is at fault and not the TV.

Lines on Screen-

Are lines, dots or darkness hovering on any portion of your screen? Try to give the unit some love taps—softly working your way around the screen’s frame (DO NOT DO THIS TO THE SCREEN ITSELF!) in hopes of this solving the problem. The condition may worsen which illustrates the likelihood of a damaged connection within the display itself –this could be that cables from the circuit board are plugged in incorrectly, unplugged altogether or are bent. Save yourself some time and either buy a new TV or take to a shop for a TV repair.

Popping Noises-

If your LCD TV just went off on its own, did you hear a distinct pop or series of popping noises? If so, once plugged back in and powered on, is there a blinking light (standby or power)? These symptoms can be indicative of power issues such as none, intermittent power, distorted display, even no picture and sound or just or sound with no picture. These problems tend to be related to loose cabling and/or a faulty board.

Dead Set/Power Issues-

This condition appears to be no power because there are no LED lights and no reaction from pressing the power (or any other) button. “Dead set” status should only be determined as a possible cause if you have already tried to plug the TV into an alternate working power outlet. Should this not solve your problem, unplug the TV, removing the back cover. You will want to check the fuse on the power supply board, using an OHM meter and/or continuity tester. Power surges often cause fuses to blow—similar to what unfolds in your car. Go anywhere that fuses are sold, find the corresponding type and replace it. If you get the TV back to proper functionality but the fuse blows again, this points to a likely problem with power supply. A TV repair will be your best bet.

If you’d like more information on TV repair near Bristol, call Mort’s TV & Video at 215-945-8381 or Contact Us.

Frequently Asked Questions about Electronics Repair

Mort's TV and video electronics repair BensalemOne of our many specialties here at Mort’s TV & Video is electronics repair. Bensalem residents know they can bring their electronics to us for quick repair work at reasonable prices. For those who have not brought their electronics to us for repair work, you might have a few questions about us and our services. Here are a few of the questions we get the most about our repair shop and our answers to them.

Q: Who does your electronics repair work? Do you ever send anything to a third party?

A: All of our electronics repair work is done in house. We do not send anything off site to third party repair shops. This helps cut back on how much you pay for the repair work since we will never require you to cover shipping fees. Plus, you will never have to worry about your electronics getting damaged during the shipping process.

Q: What kind of electronics do you repair?

A: Mort’s TV & Video repairs a variety of electronics like laptops, televisions, vintage audio equipment and more. If you don’t see your specific electronic on this list, give us a call anyway. Chances are, we can repair it for you.

Q: What kind of certifications do your repair technicians have?

A: All of our technicians are certified by the International Society of Certified Electronics Technicians (ISCET). We also make sure they continue to keep up with the latest technology and the best way to handle electronics repair. We do this so our customers know they are getting the best possible repair services.

Q: How long have you been in business and offering electronics repair?

A: 2016 marks 60 years since Mort’s TV & Video opened! While the technology and electronics that we repair have changed a lot over the years, the one thing that has not changed is the importance of good customer service. We want you to keep coming back to us any time you need TV and other electronics repair work done.

Q: Why should I choose you over your competition?

A: For the reasons listed above: our excellent reputation, our ISCET-certified technicians, how long we have been in business and the fact that your electronics will never be sent off site for repair work by a third party.

For more information on electronics repair near Bensalem, call Mort’s TV & Video at 215-945-8381 or Contact Us.

How to Care for Your LCD Television

LCD TVs are excellent televisions. You enjoy a clear screen, great sound and a wonderful viewing experience. With some preventive measures on your part, you will be able to enjoy your LCD TV for years to come and possibly even avoid needing to have it repaired. However, if you find that your LCD TV needs some help, you can always come to us for television repair in Bucks County! In the meantime, here are a few tips on how to keep your LCD TV up and running and looking great.

  • Keep your home cool and dry in order to keep moisture and humidity from affecting your television. This will also help keep the visual display nice and crisp. Consider having a dehumidifier installed if your house is particularly humid.
  • You might need television repair for your LCD TV if you keep your house particularly warm. Keep your TV in an area that is well ventilated and, if possible, has some type of air conditioning (either a window unit or central air).
  • When you first buy your LCD TV, read the owner’s manual to learn how to best care for and maintain your new television. The manual will give you tips on how to avoid television repair too.
  • If you haven’t already, get a surge protector and plug your LCD TV into it. This will protect your television from power surges during a lightning storm, and it makes it safer and more convenient to have multiple appliances plugged into the same outlet.
  • One of the best ways to keep your TV safe is by properly mounting and displaying it. This means you should buy a sturdy entertainment center and affix the TV using mounting brackets. You can also mount the TV onto a wall with those brackets. The television’s owner’s manual should tell you what type of mounting brackets to purchase for your particular LCD TV.
  • Make sure you keep your LCD TV clean. You can use compressed air to clean it, but do not use an abrasive cloth or cleaner on your TV since this can scratch the screen and damage it. Instead, use a microfiber or cotton cloth if you want to dust the screen.

Do you want to learn more about television repair in Bucks County? Call Mort’s TV & Video at 215-945-8381 or Contact Us.

Common Record Player Problems

If you just bought a record player from a garage sale or flea market, you might be excited to start listening to your favorite tunes as soon as possible. But if you notice that the record player is not playing properly, there are a few things you can check on your own. And if these suggestions do not work, bring it to us. One of our specialties is vintage audio repair near Allentown, and we can help get your record player back in good working order.

Is the unit clean?

Before you even try to use it, make sure your new record player is clean, especially if you bought it second-hand. Make sure the turntable does not have any dust on it, and go over the audio equipment with a soft anti-static cloth. If the stylus (needle) is dirty, you can use a stylus-cleaning brush on it. These brushes are usually sold at record stores. But if you do not have a stylus brush, you can use a soft paintbrush instead. And you can use rubbing alcohol on the surfaces of the record player for a more thorough cleaning.

How old is the needle?

When it comes to vintage audio repair for record players, one of the most frequent ones that we do is replacing the stylus. You can bring your record player to our shop, and our vintage audio repair professionals can fix this problem for you by replacing the needle.

How is the power source?

Another common type of record player repair is fixing the power source. A broken power source can be caused by a few things, like broken circuits or snapped wires. Our vintage audio repair experts can troubleshoot, diagnose and repair this issue so you can start listening to your records as soon as possible!

How is the belt?

A record player belt can get worn down over time. And the belt is what turns the turn table. So if the belt is broken or worn down, the table will not turn properly. Replacing the belt should fix this problem, so bring it to our vintage audio repair experts for assistance.

No matter what kind of problem you are having with your record player, you can bring it to the vintage audio repair experts here at Mort’s TV & Video.

Would you like to learn more about vintage audio repair near Allentown? Call us at Mort’s TV & Video at 215-945-8381, visit our consumer electronics repair shop on New Falls Road in Levittown or you can Contact Us.